Get involved

There are many ways you can get involved with The Angus.


We have a number of people that already volunteer in The Angus, helping in a variety of ways such as working in the Archive and Library.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, if you are interested in getting involved the please contact us to see how your skills, gifts and abilities can be used to help us continue to develop The Angus.

Email us about volunteering:

Please read the Volunteering FAQ


We have many opportunities for teachers and schools to get involved, please read our  Information for Teachers

Baptist most wanted

Whilst we hold well over 50,000 items in The Angus, there is much we don't have that it would be great to add in oreder that we can continue to increase both the bredth and depth of the Baptist Collection.

Therefore if you have any of the following that you would be prepared to donate to The Angus we would love to hear from you.
  1. Anything published by the Baptist Union.
  2. Minutes and records of Baptist Union of Great Britain committees, steering groups, working parties etc.
  3. The names of the 5 people from the 20th century, who have played a significant role in the life of the modern Baptist denomination.
  4. Dissertations that have been produced by or about Baptists.
  5. Welsh Baptist periodicals.
  6. Baptist church histories.
  7. Early Baptist church records
  8. Sermon collections from the 20th Century.
  9. Association records.
  10. Photographs of Baptist life through the ages
If you have something else that you think would be of interest to us please contact us to discuss it, we would love to hear from you.



As with everything it costs money to keep The Angus running. if you would like to support us financially you can do so either by cheque, made out to Regent's Park College, in person or electronically by clicking here.

We will be shortly compiling a list of the sorts of things that can be done with money that is donated, such as £5 will protect a pamphlet with a plastic cover.


These are just a few suggestions of how people can get involved, in reality the possibilities are endless. If you have suggestions about how you or others could get involved please let us know.

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